It has been quite some time since I (or any of us, for that matter) have put up any new posting on this blog. Guilty, I know, but things had been too hectic since after Chinese New Year, both in the office and at home. In fact, with all the running around, I should have shed some pounds, but looks like my horizontally challenged state may be attributed to my genes, after all. Sigh!
Over the last month or so, there has been a flurry of excitement, over the proposed Debate between TKCoga and the RMC Old Putras. And one of the TKC Debators is none other than our very own Sister of 74, Ani Che Dan. I called Ani the other day to wish her Good Luck for the Debate. Unfortunately, I don't think I will be attending because, (1) it is on Wednesday night in KLGCC which is far from home, (2) None of our Batch seems interested, so takde gang le, and (3) I have no ties, past or present, with any Old Putra, so going with them is also out, although my husband has given his go ahead. I do have ties with an exRMC student from the Cadet Wing, but I guess that doesn't count as an Old Putra (or what do they call these guys from the Boys Wing? Budak Boys?)
In any case, Ani, my thoughts and best wishes are with you. I have always admired how you and fellow debators past and present, have the guts to stand up onstage and argue er ... I mean, debate, over some topic given, in full view of every single spectator on the floor. I could never do that! Sure, my job requires me to do presentations to various categories of people, be interviewed on TV or by the Press, but I could never gather enough guts to do what you are going to do on Wednesday night. Especially at this age!!!
I read the emails from the TKCoga newsgroup, where Kak Ti (kakak ke? tak ingat lah!) asked what the dress code was. Pi replied that we should dress to look intelligent. Hmm ... just how does one look intelligent? Going in dark crisp suits with our hair tied back in a tight bun, with glasses, preferably the reading kind? I think that is the wrong strategy. We should go as the attrcative women that we are , whatever our personal dress code. And we should disarm the OldPutras with our charm, wit and humor! And win! So, Ani, you know what to do!!! :-D