Friday, August 12, 2005


I was supposed to go to Putrajaya today, for the lunch with Norsiah, Nin, and gang. But the haze made me reconsider. I didn't fancy driving all that distance in the smog, knowing full well that it is worse in Putrajaya! Besides, I am rather sensitive to dust paticles, smoke, etc and the sinus could start acting up. I have been lucky so far, though! Alhamdulillah.
So, I called Nin to convey my apologies. Runmaging through my computer files, I found this one called TKC Memories. It contained contributions from our Sisters of 74 in response to my request for anecdotes, etc on some of the stuff we remembered about our time in college, for the video during our 30th Reunion. So, since this blog has become mostly a monologue by me, I thought I should share these contributions from Jay, Hafiz, Atel, Haizan and Jon.
a favourite on Saturdays...tak ingat how many times a month a few girls from various forms dapat go out shopping for the house. Yang dapat pergi will takeorders from housemates the day before. Favourite orders... biskut cheese, ABC with santan and mesti pergi kedai Wah Tung (if I am not mistaken) beli themost lovely and soft cream cakes at the time and also biscuits, macam pastry, long rectangle shapes, glazed with sugar and have raisins. (Sampai kahwin pun kalau balik kampung, I cari biskut tu sebelum we bypass Seremban ikut North-South Highway).Lepas tu tunggu Pak Cik kat bus stand. Bila Pak Cik apply the hydrolic brakes, bunyi macam keluar angin and kekadang Pak Cik saje jerk-jerk...cukup seronok

When we first came in Form 4, habis prep our sleeping time was 9.30 pm I think. Masa tu mana lah boleh tidur...dah biasa tidur lambat tengok tv katrumah. Yang rajin, buat homework kat corridor or baca kat toilet, yang lain duduk ramai2 on the beds sampai bergayut spring katil. Bila dengar footsteps prefects and resident staff, masing2 berlari lintang pukang lompat atas katil masing2, satu2 bunyi kiok,kiok spring or bunyi katil dilanggar. Bila kena tegur,semua senyap pura2 tidur tak mengaku.

Can anyone recall, before we came berapa helai kain batik, bra, panties, t-shirts, blouses etc can we bring. Orang bodoh lurus macam I ikut exactly...takcukup nak pakai. Semua mesti ada code kan kena check selalu by resident staff. Our bilik must be super clean and neat... the lines on the bedspread mesti sama aje and mosquito net tegak tak boleh senget. Ape aje buat carry marks be it for the house or class. The dirtiest class kena hang broom for the whole week. Masa nak sports day punya teruk practise marchpast sampai ketiak pun melecet

Masa Form 4, our seniors esp Upper Sixers were so garang. I dont know about the other house tapi I was so afraid of them sampai jalan kat Lovers Lane nakpergi canteen, nampak senior, I boleh turn back balik dorm. Masa mula2 datang kat dining hall, mula2 hairan kenapa semua orang tak makan, rupanya kena tunggu kakak senior start first,roti pulak kena ikut buang kulit, tak cukup makan. Bertawaflah lepas tu cari roti extra, kaya, telor, esp from tempat kakak2 yang sedang diet. Bila break, tawaf collect biscuits. Bila breakfast ada scramble eggs or scramble eggs with cheese, dengar kuat bunyi daripada dining hall our juniors cincang telur yang berketul2 akibat masak dalam kawah

I do remember after prep, bukan setakat makan kat locker room, but also in the luggage room, pakai electric coil, boil water masak maggie. Kat sinilahbelajar makan maggie tasted delicious....I remember Jiwa kept her nice clothes in the luggage bag aje( maklumlah orang istana) as she preferred to dress simple like the rest of us.

I also remember kami blue house on 1st floor mostly dari selatan. Yang utara from Perak like Nor, Ris , or Nur Hidayah from Penang tak bising tapi floor yangkat atas...( dorm you,Siti Mariah, Azah) cukup riuh tau. Masa mula-mula datang tu terkejut from downstairs can hear dorm atas memang cukup riuh

Ingat tak masa one of the the stage shows..I rasa bukan Freshies Night sebab tu semua kakak-kakak yang ajar. Our batch ade buat show with our Njo as thedirector/producer. For Achi-Achi Bukak Pintu our Ju yang kelakar dan kurus panjang was the "jembalang". The lights were off and she wore the black costume painted with skeletons in white. The way she danced as hantu was really fantastic and memorable.BTW where is she? Anybody knows where she went after college?

Also, Kasma, do you want to cerita a bit about the midnite party we had in the Block F luggage room on your birthday? Some prefects suspected something and they hung around the corridor, while we were holding our breaths inside. We really had fun right? Tak terasa pun bontot sejuk sitting on the cement rendered floor in between the luggage. Nasib baik, there were no cockroaches . . . , or maybe ada kut, but they were too frightened of us that they into hiding and never came out for the nite. Shikin and the rest from Bakawali Dorm, aything to add?

And Bakawali Girls.. ,Remember how noisy the dorm was after breakfast before class? when we haveto do our duty cleaning the dorm. Esp. when Jun's duty was to dust theWindow Panes A, she'll start singing WINDOWPANESA! O. O.. OOOO...WINDOWPANESA! to the tune of a song by Santana. And she'll clean thewindow panes while she danced around, shaking and swaying her thin body.It was so funny! And Abong would be making fun of her and most of us willjoin in (join in the singing lah, not the cleaning). Those were the days!I have many pics of Bakawalians in the dorm in the CD I gave you. You maywant to use them.

And Shikin, do you remember? and if yes, can you expand on the time when weplucked a papaya from a tree near the dining hall, and the fruit had another fruit in it? I don't remember the details on why we plucked the fruit. Don't think it was for the sake of eating because we always got papaya for b'fast.
What I still remember is that after prep we would go to our food lockers on the ground floor for our supper, usually cream crackers and the local peanut butter spread that we always buy on our outings to Seremban town.On one occasion we (Jun, Nenek (arwah),Fetty (if I am not mistaken) and I were happily enjoying our snack when suddenly a rat ran near our feet. Screams and shrieks follwed! As fast as lightning Jun started chasing and waving a towel after the rat. That was when Jun was called the RATADOR! Shrieks of laughter followed with chants of "C'mon Jun, the mighty Ratador!" with Jun running round that patch of grass between the blocks.

And fellow 5K classmates, ingat tak our English teacher (Mrs Lee, I think) suruh kita yang tak ada one of the English text books to go collect it at the principal's office? Needless to say, it was the 1st of April ....

Nampak gaya, we seem to be eating a lot at college despite the complaints about the food, what with the midnight snacks, and scouring the dining hall for boiled eggs. So the presence of the pak cik mee rebus in the afternoons, almost every week must be a blessing.One of the things I remember about being a Bakawalian is how to make sure Abung gets up early every morning. Dia selalu ada problem in that area.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

TKC Old Girl

Over the weekend, I got an email through the tkcoga yahoogroup about the new blog for TKC old girls. The blog will contain news on TKC old girls or old girls' activities, posted by the OGA Public Relations sub-committee.
Its still new, but I hope many of us "Sisters of 74" will visit the site, and support it to make it active. I understand that all of us are busy, but we can still connect and keep in touch with the old alma mater and our sisters of TKCoga.
There is a posting on the blog by Kak Ruby (MCE 73) on the plight of the present students of TKC. It appears that things are quite different from the time we were in college. Do read it up, although perhaps some of us whose daughters are now in TKC, are already aware of it.
The blog address is .
I will put the link to the site into our own Sisters of 74 blog, after I obtain the permission from the blog administrators. Meanwhile, it would also be great if you could contribute to our blog too.
It is getting rather boring with mainly the ramblings from yours truly. I really would like to see postings from the others too! If you would like to be a contributor to the blog postings, and have not received an invite from me on this, please do email me and I will add you to the list. I can't add everyone yet because it would take too much time adding in everyone's names. Although I guess, ultimately that is what I have to do!
So, Zid, Hafiz, Jay, start hitting the keyboards!