Its Friday again, and another week is ending. I have hardly recovered from my niece's wedding last weekend and now another weekend is looming ahead. Sure, I love weekends. Its the only time I get to watch some TV, cook a few meals for the family instead of the usual take-outs or eat-outs, get some rest, catch a movie, clean up the house, do the laundry, catch up on my jewellery making hobby, post a blog, etc., etc. Looks as if the weekend is even m ore hectic than the weekday!
In about a week, we will be attending our 50th Birthday gathering. I won't actually (ahem!)turn 50 until late July, so I am hanging on to the last few months of my 49er year! I haven't even gone out to get the RM50 or more compulsory gift yet! Oh no, looks like another really busy weekend ahead. So, those who are attending, don't forget your gift. I guess it becomes some sort of a 50th Birthday gift to whoever gets your gift, so make sure its something you would appreciate receiving if it was for your 50th Birthday gift. The problem is, there are so many things I like, and can't decide exactly what to get for the lucky girl!
I wish more of us could make it to the reunion. It will be good to catch up again, especially the ones who have been pretty quiet for a long, long time. I realise that not everyone thinks this kind of reunion is of interest to them. And that some are too inhibited to attend. Or too Kiasu. Or too busy (understandable, of course). Or even too shy! The fact remains that we are sisters who shared some period of our life together and have a common bond. Sure some of us may be so successful that they don't need this kind of thing but to some, the sisterly support is something that can actually help them through some bad times or difficulty, or through a phase they are going through. It is an accepted fact that after all these years, and especially at this period of our lives, maybe our perspective, our interests, our attitude, our whole outlook has changed. Some have moved up, some have become high achievers, some have just remained status quo. And sadly, some have passed on. The message we want to share is that we are not alone, and that there is a friend who understands, or has gone through something similar, or who is just willing to listen. We need these kind of girlfriends.
Some of the best friends I made were the ones made during the school years, the university years, and at work. But I shall always hold closest to my heart those who shared the best years of my "innocence" in the 70s. The midnight birthday parties just like in Enid Blyton's St Clares series, the flings where we just gyrated, jumped, twisted and moved nonsensically to the music (did we call it dance?), the hard boiled eggs we smuggled out of the dining hall, going to prep in Kain batik, etc. Those were fun years with a capital F-U-N!!! And those were the girls who have grown older with me and understand where I am coming from. I always feel that with all of you, I can always be my innocent, semonel and sementel self, and giggle away as if I was still sixteen or seventeen. Goodness, I even feel like I still look that way (NOT!).
A friend suggested that for my 50th Birthday,I should write down 50 things that I like about myself or am good at or that I've done well in my life. In fact I started writing it already and horror of horrors, it wasn't as easy as I though it would be! Especially in the beginning. After a few weeks, I have managed only 46. Hmmm.. does that mean that I have actually lived only 46 years fully? What happened to the remaining 4 years?
So, help me ladies, because I would like to compile something like this. Just give it a thought and send me (email, sms, phone call, or whatever means) your thoughts on the things you (now, after 50 years) like about yourself, or are good at, or have done well, or wish you had done after all these years. It should be fun!
Okay, as usual, I ramble. You ladies need to put on your thinking caps and come back to me on this. For those coming to the Reunion, I'll see you there soon. And perhaps it is still not too late to decide to come, for those who haven't given their names to the recruitment committee. Or even to Jon or Ani CD or me.
Hasta la Vista, ladies.