A thought just occurred to me. Apart from Hafiz's earlier posting and Zid's previous comments on this blog, no one else from our Batch is posting anything on this blog! So, it has ended up being filled with rambling and monologues from yours truly!
When I started this, I anticipated that initially the postings and comments will be quite slow, but I had hoped that things will pick up as we all begin to get the hang of it. However this did not materialise and I am now wondering if I should just discontinue this and just concentrate on my own personal blog.
Most of you are probably reading the postings from the yahoogroups because I have linked it to the group. Notwithstanding this, I must say that the traffic to this blog is picking up. And that it has quite a few regular "readers", both locally and abroad. Some are entirely not related to TKC or our Batch but landed here through the searches and links. And some of these "accidental" visitors had stayed on to read the postings!!! And I think, though I cannot confirm it, we have at least one or two Sisters of 74 reading this from the UK. Maton, is that you?
I noticed that in the tkcoga blog, most of the postings are from K Ruby, but at least members are responding with comments to the postings. You see, apart from contributing by writing your own postings, you can also put in your comments to these posts by clicking the "Comment" link at the end of every post. You can also post photos, etc., whatever strikes your fancy. And it doesn't have to be lengthy works of art either! E.g post a photo of your son's ( or daughter's) wedding, or photos of yourself before and after the slimming regime you have been adhering to the last six months(?), your favourite recipes, an article you read which could be of interest, or even an interesting site you visited (just type in the link, no need to write about it!) I know that initially we all experience some hesitance ... orang nak baca ke? ... malu lah! ... am I baring to much about me? ... Tak pandai tulis lah! ... etc. But I can almost guarantee that once you have started, you will really begin to enjoy it.
At the beginning of the creation of the blog, some of you have expressed that it may not be necessary because we have the newsgroup, and that we are too busy to access different sites, apart from our emails. And not everyone stays glued to the computer from morning to evening! Point taken (albeit, sadly), but I was hoping to show that with all the hectic schedules which leaves so little time for us to catch up with one another, we can share more of ourselves through the blog. Anyway, I hope to get some views from all of you in respect to whether there is any point in continuing this blog? If you can't respond to this at the blog, just email me, or through the yahoogroups.
Looking forward to your views. Love and Best Regards.
Hi Kasma and all of the gang,
I finally manage to go to this blog, after trying unsuccessfully a few times before. just started to read some of the jottings in it. Some tu dah baca from our group site. The postings are interesting and very wide in topics.
And I think you are spot on with your analysis of why there aren't many contributions... (malu la, tak pandai tulis la...)
But on your question of whether nak stop or continue tu, please keep it on just yet (since I've just found it), maybe after going through a few more times I might be tempted to put something up. I noticed that I've been talking to myself (in my head - tapi belum sampai 'crazy' stage, just that dok sorang-sorang kat rumah and nobody to talk to sometimes does that to me) a lot lately, so I might just decide to put something down.
Thanks Jon. Will keep your view in mind. I still need feedback from the rest though. Hope to see your thoughts posted on the blog soon. Jangan simpan banyak banyak dalam kepala!!!
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