Thursday, October 20, 2005

Hari Raya.... Baju Raya... Kuih Raya......

Dah masuk 3rd week puasa but still having problem to wake up to prepare sahur every morning. Yang lepas-lepas, I only need to rely on the alarm clock only during the first week of puasa. After that I will be awake before the alarm sounds. Tapi kali ni lain pula, still susah nak bangun sahur. Kadang-kadang tu bila alarm dah bunyi rasa macam nak 'snooze'kan dia dua tiga kali lagi. After sahur, if I allow myself, I can even go back to sleep. Kenapa ek? dah feel the age agaknya. Tapi biasanya as you get older you don't need much sleep, yang I perhatikan la....

Am taking a break from my sewing project.

I am a slow stitcher. Kalau nak jahit apa-apa tu kena jelujur dulu, kalau tidak result dia jadi senget. Tambah pula my machine is only a light portable one, so the stepper foot tak ada grip sangat. Kalau nak rely on pins saja, sure senget punya. Tapi dah banyak jasa tu.. bertahun dah I guna. Dapat juga la save me money on the tailoring costs.
Early in the fasting month, my daughter yang kat UIA asked whether I can sew baju kurung for her friend. Most tailors dah tak nak ambil cos dah mula puasa. I said I can't cos at my pace, tak sure boleh siap or not for Raya. Maybe next year boleh consider kut, lepas juga la duit raya untuk all the anak-anak buah nanti... ha ha ha...

Now working on my daughter's 3rd baju raya... hari raya punya pasal. Finished four already (mine and my two daughters altogether), at least the machining part, tinggal nak kena siapkan yang jahit tangan. Normally, I will leave this to the individual owners. So my youngest one dah siap three-quarters dia punya. My other daughter belum lagi cos dia kat UIA lagi, next weekend baru balik.

Kuih raya belum tengok lagi, kena buat juga tu nak bawa balik kampung. Masa kerja dulu beli saja. Tak payah bawa balik kampung pun cos my mum-in-law rajin buat biskut raya. And when time for us to return to KL, she would pack the biskut for us to take back. Sekarang dia pun dah tak sihat sangat, so the anak and menantu pula la yang bawa balik. Maybe buat sikit dulu, kalau tak cukup buat pula lepas raya, sendiri punya (as if.....).

Balik kampung nanti ikut lebuh raya......Jaaaaaam......


kasma said...

Betul tu Jon. I too have problems getting up for sahur this year. Maybe its age! :-D

Baju Raya? Kuih Raya? Belum fikir lagi pun. My younger daughter dah bising pasal baju Raya. I told her, this weekend lah kot pergi shopping. Kuih Raya main beli saja. Tak pandai, tak suka dan tak larat nak buat sendiri! I have a regular supplier who sheds tears sembilu every year when I look him up to buy kueh. Dia ni lemah lembut sikit, and sensitif. So, thats where I go for my kueh raya. Maybe, kalau di izin Allah, I nak cuba buat Baklava kot. Ada orang bagi resepi.Nampak macam senag saja!!!

Cita cita nak cat rumah sikit. The feature wall kat living room is terracota red. Dulu trend. Sekarang rasa macam sakit mata pulak. Nak cat a light brown, ala ala Bali gitu! Itu saja personal projek this year. I doubt any contractor nak buat the job, sikit sangat! Curtains, etc. pakai yang lama lah kot.

Now nak cari Jubah seluar. Anyone has any suggetstions on where to get nice ones?

Anonymous said...

To my Kakak-kakak,
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin.
TKC 72-77/MCE76

kasma said...

Thanks Zurai, Selamat Hari Raya to you too, and Maaf Zahir Batin.