Thursday, November 01, 2007

Eid Mubarak

Ramadan came and went and before we know it, we are more than halfway through Syawal. I hope its not too late to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.

I didn't even manage to send the Raya cards this year, that was how busy it has been! My apologies to all those who have sent me greeting cards, but did not receive my return gesture. You are all in my heart! Even the Open House invitations had to be passed because the last few weeks, banyak family weddings.

Won't attempt to write anything clever (?) or funny or deep this time. Just taking a few minutes off to say Hello! To those who have invited me for even more Open Houses or Birthday Majlis (you know who you are ... tak nak sebut kat sini, InsyaAllah, I will attend.

Will keep in touch. This time around, takde ke raya get-together?
