Wednesday, July 13, 2005

College Sisters, Brothers and such ...

Since I am online, I thought I should just bring up this subject. (Hope nobody gets offended!). Just out of curiosity, how many of us are still in touch with our then college sisters and brothers? I guess many are still in touch with the sisters, being tkc girls and all that, but what about the brothers? Or, dare I ask, how many actually married their "college brothers"? Er... don't worry dears, it is not at all as incestuous as it sounds. In fact, perfectly normal. The term "college brother" is really a misnomer!
I am guilty of not being in contact with my college sis after I left college. Sure, there were the occassional reciprocal visits to one another's homes right after we left college, and then there were the letters exchanged when we were studying overseas, but after a while it all dwindled down to zero. And to think these people were once so close to our hearts!!! My college sister was Luee and I heard she was working at MINT. But I bet even she has forgotten me! Hehehe ...
But, believe it or not, I am still very much in touch with my college brother from STAR. Somehow our lives had intertwined at various intervals ... right after college, then when I lost my first husband he was there for me, and much later at this ripe old age, I found I had to deal with him professionally! Funny, isn't it?
But we are such good friends, and having known each other since our teens, we understood one another perfectly. I think my husband, Jeff, is quietly relieved that there is this brother figure looking out for me. (Yes, they've met ... we live in the same neighbourhood). Especially in instances related to work where he can't help me, he accepts and is almost thankful that there is this brother person who can help me out and is only a phone-call away. But unfortunately wifey is not too impressed! :-(
Anyway, it would have been better if I still make the same connections with my college sis. Hmm .. maybe next OGA dinner, I'll try to look her up!

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