Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Last few Months.

There hasn't been any postings in this blog since May. Hmmm ... that was really some time back. I must admit I have been pretty busy, at work and at home. Also have been very much under the weather, so to speak. It can't be age! I mean there are other much older, much fatter people who seem pretty well and healthy. It must be stress!

Whatever, I have had my hands full. Work has been pretty hectic. The team has been reduced from 12 to 8. We have to reestablish everything ... like workshops, setting the house in order again, etc. And 1 more member is leaving end of this month to follow her husband in Singapore! Talk about timing! For those in the group who may not know or have forgotten what I do (for a living, that is,) ... I am heading a development fund which gives financial assistance for the development of technology related ideas. I have been with the team for about 2 years now, but my first boss left sometime middle of last year and my subsequent boss left end of last year. So, I was asked to take over beginning January this year. And that just about sums up the story of my life (professionally, that is).

On the homefront, I had taken on the task of "rehabilitating" my husband's 2 orphaned nephew and niece. They had been left by their parents even when they were alive, and under Grandma's misguided love, had grown into two teenaged hell's angels! It was quite a task and I think in the process I made an enemy out of my mom in law. But my intentions were good, and no other aunt or uncle could be bothered. Having been an orphan myself, I understood that they should be given a chance. But I guess they blew it, and after 6 months, I shipped them out because my own childrem were getting annoyed and upset with the havoc they caused. Didn't help that my mom in law was always backing them up. I decided it was a lose-lose battle all the way, and I really was at the end of my patience!!!

So now, I am trying to pick up the pieces of my life again. Trying to reestablish some sense of normalcy (is there such a word?) again.

Well, so there it is, the reason for my silence all this while, and also for my absence from the oga dinners, etc.

By the way, I was trying to send out an invitation to the group to download Skype. Cheaper to make calls to loved oned and friends abroad using Skype. But I think the message didn't go through. So, if anyone is interested, just message me.

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