Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I have a dream too ..

Actually this is a comment on Kasma's post below. But I have a feeling that it will be a long comment, so I decided to put it in as a separate post

After reading about Kasma's dream (wonder if dream is the right word to use) of making a mark as a writer, I want to share mine as well. I have been contemplating about coming out with a book as well. Except that it has nothing to do with pieces pf poetry, stories, anecdotes, etc.

If you have been reading my blogs you would have noticed that I enjoy doing tatting. I have even posted pictures of some of the pieces that I have made. Problem is, locally, susah sangat nak dapatkan buku on tatting designs. Di kedai-kedai buku memang jarang-jarang jumpa, and di needlecraft shops, kalau ada pun harganya punya la mahal. Ada satu written in Japanese, harganya lebih dari RM100. Thank goodness for the internet. I managed to get lots of pattern from there. Rupa-rupanya ramai betul orang yang minat tatting all over the world, and yet people still think of it as a 'dead art'. Some of the beautiful pieces shown on the various websites are made by men - imagine that.

Okay, back to the point. Since there are not many tatting books locally, I have been toying with the idea of coming out with one. Something simple to begin with, starting with basic instructions and some easy-to-do patterns for practice.

I have not really finished trying to learn all the different techniques in tatting - a DIY kind of learning from information obtained from the various tatting websites.

Also, since it's so difficult to get tatting books, I have started to design my own patterns. For those who attended the OGA Dinner - remember the small tatted heart that I gave out to every one that night? Well, that was one of my own design - clap .. clap. In fact I have quite a number completed already. I have photographed each one of them and am now writing up the instructions on how to make them. Right now, some are still in the PC and some are printed and nicely filed.

Another interesting development - I have received request to teach tatting. I joined a local online group of people interested in all kinds of needlecraft. The others in the group have seen my tatted pieces and a few has shown interest to learn this art. If everything goes okay, I'll be starting a class in July. Wow - that will be one big event in my life.....

So .... I have a dream too. Right now it is slowly taking shape, until that time when I will make that big decision to bring it all out to the open.

Will I do it ... or will it remain just a dream?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jon, I remembered trying out tatting long time ago but I didn't get far, no patience. Same with crotchet. I really envy you all yang rajin and pandai doing all that. Nak belajar boleh tapi nak sustain the interest tu susah, I think So keep on pursuing your dream.