Saturday, July 23, 2005

Pitching Lari Sikit ...

I wonder how many of you are caught up in the Akademi Fantasia madness, but for the last 3 years, I have not been able to escape its clutches!

I don't mind watching the weekly concerts, and occasionally the daily diaries. But the kids will never let me off scot free!

The first year, my niece was staying with me after her SPM. Together with my youngest, they made sure that I drove them to the weekly concert in UPM without fail! Then in the second season, they imposed an age limit (thank God!) and my niece left to further her studies, so it was back to just watching the concerts on TV. Like wise this year, but I still cannot escape having to sit through their singing, and then commenting on it, just like Kudsia Kahar and the other juries!!!

So, terpaksa lah comment "Pitching Lari", "Tak cukup feel", "diction needs improvement", etc! Lucky I memorised some of the comments ususally made, so tak payah think too hard! But lama lama, she wised up and demanded that I betul betul comment.

And then there is still the argument about their favourite AF student! Kakak, of course, never seems to agree with Adik and cannot resist pulling her leg about her choices. Adik, being all of 9 years will typically find gher favourites in potential teeny-bopper types like Adam last year and Kefli this year. This, of course totally differs from Kakak, who goes for more serious, good singers!

This year, it gets worse, with the merchandising! Laa ... it really is a money spinner. isn't it?

And worse, a few weeks back, I had to drive all the way to Putrajaya, to catch the open air concert, for which takde age limit. Of course lah we all lewat cos we left at around 8.00 pm. So, had to park far far away and trudge all the way to the crowd. Hmmm ... dah tua tua ni memang ,alas, tapi kesian pulak kat Adik tu!

Anyway, I am off to Abung's kenduri tonight. Anyone else going?

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